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Use this forum if you would like to meet up with other students to look for a house together.
Posted by: Alyssa
Page 1 of 1 [ 7 Replies ]
Name - grace
Hey, me and two friends are also looking for people to share a house with; we also study different subjects and are interested. My number is 07495619482 if you wanted to contact x
Name - Gracie
Hey girl, me and my two flatmates are really interested! Would be amazing to hear back from you.
Name - Caitlin Green
Hey! I'm Caitlin, a first year currently living in The Vale and I'm interested and would love to hear back from you !
Name - Robey Harris
Hi Alyssa, I'm a first year from Bristol, studying English Lit and living in tennis court. Let me know if you're interested also and I'll send over my details. Thanks, Robey
Name - Edward
Hey if you want you can join my house we have 4 people but we need 5 (3 boys 1 girl) emailed me on
Name - Athena
Hi I am a first year law student living in Pritchatts Park & and would be interesting in joining your house hunt! Please email me or respond to this message if you're interested. Thanks, Athena :)
If you're still interested in a house we'd love it if you could join us we need one more person in a 5 bedroom (3 boys 1 girl) flat
Name - Joe Daniels
Hey! Me and 2 other guys are interested in joining you, please reach out if you're still looking!
Name - Matthew
Hi I don't know if you are still looking for housemates but I have found a house on Heeley Road and am looking for up to 5 people to join me in a 6 bed house. Its been renovated and is very tidy. Please contact me if you are interested
Name - Leo
Hi Alyssa, I'm in my first year lookinh to join a houseshare in September. I'd be interested in chatting about the house, if you haven't filled the space yet.
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